The ‘Regarding My Life’ program

What is the Regarding My Life program?

    • The Regarding My Life program explores the essence of personal happiness and sustainable success; of how to live in harmony with yourself and the world.
    • The program forms a central part of the executive management development process in many leading South African companies, and is used independently by local and international entrepreneurs and friends.
    • The program is facilitated by Louis Fourie, who specialises in life guidance to professionals and business leaders.  The program has its roots in Louis’ own life-time experience and observations as economist, investment advisor, businessman and mentor – and both his and (his son and partner) Niel Fourie’s extensive research in the field of human wellness.


What are the targeted outcomes of the program?

    • To create an intellectually responsible breather, during which talented people can investigate, validate or adjust their decision-making pattern.
    • To provide talented people with a fresh perspective on the core elements of such a wholesome life experience – and a time-tested lens through which to view their options.
    • To offer guidance in eliminating the classic conflict between happiness and success.


What makes this program different to similar interventions?

    • It offers a mature and respectful ambiance in which real-life challenges are dissected in a clear-headed way.
    • It is a content and research-rich engagement, which distinguishes it from the merely explorative conversation that makes up the core of individualised life-coaching.
    • It focuses on the constants in an individual’s life – the ageless laws of life management.
    • There are no time-consuming course work, uncomfortable disclosures or standard assessments involved.
    • It is not meant to be just another feel-better moment of temporary significance – but designed to help talented people to live more wisely.


How does it work in practice?

    • Eight full-day group sessions are scheduled, spread over a period of roughly a year (one session every six-odd weeks), outside school holiday periods, at an outside venue. 
    • Each of the sessions is structured around specific topics.


For enquires about the program, mail